
The world is rather curious place if you think about it. Seemingly mundane everyday objects often reveal the most interesting stories in how and why they work:

  • How can mysterious magnetic metals magically produce a force without even touching the object it is moving? 
  • How can glass be completely solid, yet you can see through it?  
  • Why does my hair become silky, shiny and smooth after applying conditioner? 

I enjoy questioning everything and getting a kick out of discovering the inner workings of the world around us. This is a blog where I share my ponderings and findings with you, so that we can all be more aware of the wonders of the material world around us. 

The Girl Behind the Fluff
My name is Rebecca and I am a 18 year old studying Materials Science at Oxford University. I have lived in an incredibly boring town just outside London for all my life and have big dreams for the future. I have a huge passion for science, engineering and blogging, so this blog is an amalgamation of all three where I can communicate just how important and exciting STEM can be. 

Extended Project Qualification Presentation Evening 2013 - Myself talking about resonance and the London Millennium Footbridge!

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